Thursday, September 18, 2008
Complete Remission
No more doctor appointments until November when I go back to the surgeon. Then December is the skin scan, and February will be another CT scan and oncologist visit.
My leg is doing fine with the continued walking. We're up to two miles and the swelling is minor. I've only worn the compression stocking overnight three times. I don't even know if it makes a difference, but it makes me feel as if I'm being proactive and preventing any major swelling issues. It's the least I can do.
I start Weight Watchers at work tomorrow, so I'm hoping to be in my best healthy state-of-being in a long time by Christmas.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Beginning exercise program
Update: CT-Scan News
Just to share my continued learning, and to help me remember before scheduling my next CT-scan: Never schedule your CT-scan for first thing in the morning unless 1) you have a short commute to the testing site, and 2) you plan on staying at home for a few hours after the test. I had my test scheduled for 8:00am. That meant that I had to drink the first half of bottle #1 of the barium sulfate at 6:00am, the second half of bottle #1 at 6:30am, and the first half of bottle #2 at 7:00am, and had to save the second half of bottle #2 for just before the scan. I needed to leave the house by 7:30am to get to the medical campus on time. Well, it was tough to leave the bathroom with confidence to make the trip. As soon as I checked in at the medical campus, I had to make another trip to the bathroom. After the technician inserted the IV, I had to make another trip. As soon as the treatment was over, yes, I had to make another trip. Then I made a bee-line for home and couldn't unlock the house door quickly enough.
So, I learned that on a much emptier stomach beginning at 6:00am, the effects of the barium sulfate are more pronounced than when scheduling an afternoon appointment and not eating four hours prior to the scan. Besides, after an afternoon scan, I could have gone home and stayed home rather than having to return to work. Lesson learned! Now all I need to do is to remember it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
6th Week of Recovery
My leg continues to swell a bit every day and I've been wearing the compression stocking to bed. I should probably wear it during the day too, but it looks so horrible with shorts and sandals :-(. Besides, the swelling is always down in the morning.
I'm still waiting to get my feeling back in my leg, but that's been very slow to happen. I do have the occasional stabbing pains to remind me that my nerves are still working on making new connections. I'll be able to ask the surgeon about that at my next appt. on August 5th. I also want to show him some freckles/moles I've been keeping an eye on.
I don't expect to post again until after my surgeon appt. on August 5th.
Friday, July 11, 2008
4th Week of Recovery
My followup CT scan is scheduled for next month with a return visit to the oncologist a few weeks later. I guess I'm going to have to keep my fingers crossed for the next few years.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
3rd Week of Recovery
Last Friday, the doctor gave me a prescription for Midrin. I took one capsule as soon as I got home and then another one at bedtime. That was all it took! Two pills! This week, the closer I get to the end of the work day, the more the "pressure" starts building behind my eyes. But it never gets as bad as it did before the Midrin. It doesn't last either - a little quiet time at home and it's practically gone. I only took one pill at bedtime this week.
On Saturday afternoon I spent almost 5 hours working in my daughter and son-in-law's flower beds trying to tame them and pull the weeds. To me, that means that I'm back pretty darn close to 100%. Of course, after that and then sitting in the heat at a family reunion on Sunday, and back at work on Monday, my leg decided that enough was enough and swelled up. I've had to wear the compression stocking - not exactly fashionable for summertime (or any time for that matter!). I hadn't worn the stocking at all during the last 2-3 weeks of treatment, but I guess I was horizontal enough of the time that swelling wasn't an issue. Now my foot is down most of the time, and I'm ready to be active again. I really want to lose the stocking but I also want to prevent dealing with lymphedema!
On Monday I begin my 30-day written comprehensive exam for my doctoral work (15 pages for each of 4 questions = 60 pages). I scheduled it after my 1st week of recovery because I felt as though I would be ready for it physically and mentally. I still think it was a good call, but next week will tell how ready I really am. Knowing how I've felt when I've gotten home after work this week, I know that I couldn't work full-time and successfully complete the exam. I'll be taking almost all (maybe all) of my accummulated vacation to get it done. I'll still go into the office at least one full day each week and be available for additional hours if needed. Hopefully my brain is up for the challenge!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
2nd Week of Recovery
There are only three things that still need to clear up: 1) my taste buds for salt are on overdrive; 2) the rash and itching aren't quite gone; and 3) the sinus pressure has gotten worse. I finally made an appointment with the family doctor for tomorrow to get something to clear up this sinus thing. I think that having that pressure gone will make the biggest difference! I do still get tired, but not like I did during treatment. I can tell that I'm at the end of a work week too. I'm starting to drag. Some of that could be from the sinus thing though.
On Monday I had bloodwork done and all the numbers continue to climb - a good thing. I also delivered a bouquet of roses and a thank you card for everyone at the cancer center. I took along the little individual capsules of water so everyone could each take a rose home with them. Today I got a thank you card from the oncology nurses! I was glad to hear how much they enjoyed the flowers, and I just hope they realize how much I appreciate them.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
1st Week of Recovery
I have a 3:00 meeting scheduled at work tomorrow, so there's no backing down this time. I'm going in! Gee, wonder if Murphy (the cat) wants to go along? Well, back to getting my stacks of papers and books into some kind of order by 5:00pm so it's easier to walk away from it tomorrow.
If my husband asks you, please tell him that yes I did take a multi-vitamin today. I promise to take one everyday, and I hope that they're packed full of energy.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
19th & Last Treatment!
The treatment itself was just as all the others. We stopped and got a butterscotch krimpet to celebrate on the way home. It tasted a little overly sweet, but not too bad. I stayed awake (sort of) long enough to say goodbye to my oldest son when he left for the airport to head back home. Then that was it. I pretty much slept the rest of the night. My stomach was unsettled again, but a Compazine eventually settled it down enough so I could finish off a glass of Gatorade.
Saturday I slept in and woke up feeling light-headed and with an unsettled stomach (so what's new). I realize that it's going to take awhile to feel good again, but just knowing that I don't have to go back for another treatment on Monday morning makes this the best weekend in awhile. I still have that weird taste in my mouth, but cantaloupe tasted almost normal while I tasted the pickles in potato salad and too much salt with potato chips. Even a grilled cheese sandwich, which sounded good, ended up tasting too salty. The Ensure drink for breakfast is the best thing I've found to start my day - I almost look forward to it because I know it's going to taste good.
Sunday I'm still trying to get my head to stop floating, so I've been laying around a lot. My motivation level is still at zero, although I've been able to do some leisurely reading. I've noticed that the lymph nodes in the back of my head are swollen, and I'm not sure if that's something that I need to call the doctor about or not. I'll probably wait till tomorrow and just let her know in case it actually matters. I still have the rash, but it's not getting any worse. The best part about today is that I don't have to go for treatment tomorrow - have I mentioned that already?!
19 done, none to go!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
18th Treatment
18 down, only 1 more to go
17th Treatment
17 down, 2 to go
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
16th Treatment
I'm lightheaded this morning, but I'm sure pushing some liquids will help with that. I've had an awful taste in my mouth that never goes away, which masks the true flavor of foods and makes things taste bad. Salty things taste way too salty, and tasteless things like water have the bad taste I carry in my mouth. It seems as though creamy things like pudding, milkshakes, and Ensure taste the best. One of the nurses recommended mashed potatoes, which I haven't tried yet.
I'm hoping that the rest of the week's treatments will go the same as yesterday's. I'm almost home-free! My eyes tear up just thinking about what it will feel like on Friday to finally be done.
16 down, 3 to go
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
15th Treatment
My bloodwork showed that the platelets dropped a little again, but everything else seemed to be holding steady.
When we got home, I decided to go straight to bed since my head was hurting so much. I slept for a couple of hours and woke up with a major fever, chills, headache, and upset stomach. My body hurt too much to stay in bed, as I couldn't get comfortable. It was still light outside, so I got up, hoping that a little movement would help. Well, my stomach was so nauseous that I was afraid to have anything pass by my lips. Eventually, I was able to take sips of Sprite, and then finally took a compazine. I'm so glad they called in that script for me. It seemed to do the trick.
The headache lingered into this morning, but is now gone of course since I'll be leaving for treatment soon. I'm hoping that that will be the worst of it this week.
15 down, 4 to go
Saturday, June 7, 2008
14th Treatment
14 down, 5 to go
13th Treatment
13 down, 6 to go
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
12th Treatment
12 down, 7 to go
11th Treatment
11 down, 8 to go
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
10th Treatment
I had bloodwork completed again, and then an appointment with my oncologist. Everything looks as it should. My white blood cell count shows that my body is working against infection which means that I'm less immune to random bugs floating around. I'm supposed to avoid crowds or other similar situations where I might be more susceptible to picking up something. Although the toxin level is up it is in acceptable limits, so all is as it should be. All that, and then I had to go for my treatment too.
After two days off, they said that it would probably be a rough night. Geez, they were right! We stopped off at the grocery store on the way home, but I kept my sunglasses on the whole time because the headache had already begun. We unpacked the groceries and then I went out on the patio to relax and wait. Within an hour it felt as though I had been run over by a truck. I took two Tylenol at 5:00pm, and at some point after that headed to bed. I asked my husband to bring me two more Tylenol at 9:00. The fever was high enough to have me huddled under the blankets, but at least I wasn't shivering. The aches had me miserable. Around 10:00pm, the worst seemed over and I ventured downstairs for something to drink. It was tough to roll out of bed this morning because I still have the headache. I know that I couldn't handle the construction noise at work with this pain in my head. Some mornings I wonder whether I could even make the walk from the parking lot to my office - that's pretty sad. I'm going to make myself get in there at least one morning this week, just to prove to myself that I can do it. Besides, I'm ready for a few different files.
10 down, 9 to go
Friday, May 30, 2008
9th Treatment
It was nice enough outside that I just sacked out on the patio after treatment and enjoyed the sounds and smells of nature. I even swept a little after my hubby edged the pool bed. It's amazing how much effort it takes to get up and move. I'm hoping to plant a few more flowers this weekend and pull a few more weeds (after eating my PB toast, of course).
9 down, 10 to go
8th Treatment
8 down, 11 to go
Thursday, May 29, 2008
7th Treatment
7 down, 12 to go
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
6th Treatment
At the treatment, I was told that the lightheadedness was from being dehydrated and I needed to be drinking more. Apparently 1/2 gallon of water a day is not enough and I need to be pushing even more liquids. They said that drinks like Gatorade and Powerade would be alright too, so I'll be adding them after another trip to the grocery store. I had blood work done before treatment, and apparently my numbers all looked really good. They added a steroid to the IV to help with the rash. They kept the IV in my right hand with hopes of re-using it. Even with the liter of fluid I get during the IV, I still felt lightheaded on the way home and even turned down my husband's offer of Rita's. I was fighting a mighty headache and just plopped myself in the family room to wait until my next dose of Tylenol at 6:00. I even kept my sunglasses on till then. I thought I might go to bed around 8:00, but stayed in that same chair until 10:00 when I could take my next dose of Tylenol. You know, I never got the body aches, fever or chills last night! I don't know if it had anything to do with the steroid or not, but I'll be asking. That was quite a gift! Now I need to go drink myself silly (water, of course) to try to get rid of this lightheadedness - enough is enough!
6 down, 13 to go
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Note to self
Friday, May 23, 2008
5th Treatment
5 down, 14 to go
Thursday, May 22, 2008
4th Treatment
4 down, 15 to go
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
3rd Treatment
3 down, 16 to go
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
2nd Treatment
2 down, 17 to go
1st Night
I decided to stay home from work so I can better gauge how I feel throughout the morning. I had a slow start, and decided to keep it slow; now is not the time to be rushing about trying to beat the clock. I plan to work on a few projects this morning and keep my email open till it's time to leave for the next treatment. If tonight goes the same as yesterday, I plan on going to work tomorrow.
Monday, May 19, 2008
1st Treatment - only 18 more to go
I started my IV treatment around 2:30 today and was in the car headed home by 4:50. While I was well enough to drive, I really appreciated having my husband there to do the driving duties. Apparently I'm lacking "good" veins and now expect the needle "stick" to be the worst part. They left the IV needle in my arm for tomorrow, so I'm hoping it lasts till the appointment.
With the shawl Mary wove for me in hand, the treatment started with two Tylenol and then a syringe of Benadryl, nausea medicine (lasts for 80 hours - same as what chemo patients get), and fluids. They really stressed fluids and suggested that I start carrying a bottle of water with me everywhere (and drinking it!). Finally, the interferon drip began. I left feeling half decent with a slight headache and quite chilled. They told me that the side effects tend to peak after 4-6 hours, so I plan to be snuggled under the covers by then and sleep through it.
Now, a few hours later, I've just taken two more Tylenol. I can tell that I'm feverish, which explains the chills, and my body is definitely achy. So far it's like the flu without the sore throat and hacking cough, which makes it bearable. Having had the flu a few months ago, I can say that it's not as bad as that experience though I could really use a hot sauna right now!
I'm going to wrap myself in a few blankets to try and get warm. I'm counting on Murphy, my cat, to help me out ;-).
1 down, 18 to go
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Timeline of diagnosis & treatment
The round of doctor visits and tests began immediately with a visit to a dermatologist on December 19th. She didn't see anything else suspicious and, with the Christmas holiday right around the corner, was very kind to make herself accessible for questions during the next few days. My first visit to the oncologist was January 3rd (Happy New Year!). Then I had a CAT scan on January 7th, and a bone scan on January 8th. I was back at the oncologist on January 9th who sent me for a PET on January 14th. Then I was back with the oncologist on January 16th to learn that all tests had basically been clear.
At my appointment with the plastic surgeon on January 21st we scheduled the day surgery for removal of the tissue margin around the mole site and a sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy for February 6th. I missed four days of work after the surgery with an incision in my right groin, and a skin graft from my right hip stapled to cover the new gaping hole in my shin.
I had a post-op visit to the plastic surgeon on February 12th, and on February 21st learned that a few cancer cells were found in one lymph node (the PET scan did NOT pick this up so I'm grateful my surgeon performed the sentinel lymph node biopsy). A right groin lymph node dissection was scheduled for February 27th. This involved an overnight hospital stay, and I went home the next day with a new, much longer incision and a Jackson Pratt drain. Walking was very difficult because I couldn't pick up my right foot, and I stayed on my pain meds pretty regularly those first few days. My entire leg, from the tip of my toes to the top of my leg was wrapped in ace bandages to control swelling. After a few days I was allowed to remove the dressings, shower, and begin wearing a closed-toe compression stocking. I couldn't lie down to sleep because I couldn't get in and out of bed by myself, needed help getting dressed, and could not get the compression stocking on by myself. The trickiest part was getting the stocking up and over my "mole hole" on my shin with the least amount of contact. I was home from work for eleven days and my husband was an absolute saint! I couldn't have been home without his help.
My post-op appointment with the plastic surgeon was on March 5th, where I heard that the preliminary pathology report was negative for malignancy. On the 18th, the drain was removed (thankfully no worse than having a bandaid yanked off) and learned that the pathology report was negative. Follow-up visits followed in close succession: oncologist on March 26th, plastic surgeon on April 15th, oncologist on April 21st, and plastic surgeon on May 6th. I don't have to go back to the plastic surgeon for 3 months!