Sunday, June 15, 2008

19th & Last Treatment!

How great to finally make it to the last treatment! My hubby and I practically had the treatment room to ourselves, and I was the last patient there by the time my treatment was over. The nurses collected hole punch "dots" and celebrated with us by tossing them in the air as confetti, and they gave me a Purple Heart certificate. They really made this as doable as it possibly could be by being sincerely caring and attentive. I cannot say enough about the nurses. They seemed to get to know each and every patient, and everyone was on a first name basis. It was as pleasant a place as it could be considering why I went there every day.

The treatment itself was just as all the others. We stopped and got a butterscotch krimpet to celebrate on the way home. It tasted a little overly sweet, but not too bad. I stayed awake (sort of) long enough to say goodbye to my oldest son when he left for the airport to head back home. Then that was it. I pretty much slept the rest of the night. My stomach was unsettled again, but a Compazine eventually settled it down enough so I could finish off a glass of Gatorade.

Saturday I slept in and woke up feeling light-headed and with an unsettled stomach (so what's new). I realize that it's going to take awhile to feel good again, but just knowing that I don't have to go back for another treatment on Monday morning makes this the best weekend in awhile. I still have that weird taste in my mouth, but cantaloupe tasted almost normal while I tasted the pickles in potato salad and too much salt with potato chips. Even a grilled cheese sandwich, which sounded good, ended up tasting too salty. The Ensure drink for breakfast is the best thing I've found to start my day - I almost look forward to it because I know it's going to taste good.

Sunday I'm still trying to get my head to stop floating, so I've been laying around a lot. My motivation level is still at zero, although I've been able to do some leisurely reading. I've noticed that the lymph nodes in the back of my head are swollen, and I'm not sure if that's something that I need to call the doctor about or not. I'll probably wait till tomorrow and just let her know in case it actually matters. I still have the rash, but it's not getting any worse. The best part about today is that I don't have to go for treatment tomorrow - have I mentioned that already?!

19 done, none to go!!


Suzanne Shaffer said...

Yeah!!! Hip hip hooray!!!! I'm so glad you are done!! What a journey and struggle - Now may all your days be happy and carefree - you earned it!!! All our best wishes for continued health and much joy!!
Suzanne and Jorge

Anonymous said...

I was happy to read you made it through the last treatment. Now with each day you will get stronger and healthier and will be able to move on to better use of your time- like more shopping for baby things!
All my best wishes for a continued speedy recovery.