Thursday, June 12, 2008

18th Treatment

I started the day with more bloodwork which showed all of my numbers being even lower than before, which explains the way I felt. They weren't too low though, so I'll be able to finish the treatment as planned. I'm supposed to avoid people with colds/flu for another week or so till my numbers start climbing back up. I go back for more bloodwork in a week. Then I saw my oncologist, and showed her the rash I've been fighting. She said that interferon doesn't usually cause a rash, so she isn't sure what's causing it. I'm to let her know if it doesn't start fading away next week. My next appointment with her will be in four weeks. Then it was treatment time which went as usual. I feel tired, washed out, but okay - fever, and body aches aren't too bad. Tomorrow is it! Thank goodness!!

18 down, only 1 more to go

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a pick me up when Scott appeared. prayes are with you,
Aunt Jeanne