Thursday, June 26, 2008

2nd Week of Recovery

Feeling good! I feel even better than last week. This past weekend I even cleaned the kitchen floor! It took forever because I had to keep sitting down to take a break, but I got it done and felt good about it. I'm also happy to report that my brain is back in gear. I cannot believe how much work I've been able to get done this week! I even worked on my graduate studies this past weekend and accomplished quite a bit. I'm eating more too (darn!). The one strange thing through all of this is that the only thing that tasted really good during treatment and I still crave are red Swedish fish. I expected to not get hungry for the foods that tasted bad during treatment, but I also have no desire for some of the other things that tasted alright during treatment. So, while I'm eating more, the things I'm interested in eating are on a short list. Luckily, watermelon is on the short list!

There are only three things that still need to clear up: 1) my taste buds for salt are on overdrive; 2) the rash and itching aren't quite gone; and 3) the sinus pressure has gotten worse. I finally made an appointment with the family doctor for tomorrow to get something to clear up this sinus thing. I think that having that pressure gone will make the biggest difference! I do still get tired, but not like I did during treatment. I can tell that I'm at the end of a work week too. I'm starting to drag. Some of that could be from the sinus thing though.

On Monday I had bloodwork done and all the numbers continue to climb - a good thing. I also delivered a bouquet of roses and a thank you card for everyone at the cancer center. I took along the little individual capsules of water so everyone could each take a rose home with them. Today I got a thank you card from the oncology nurses! I was glad to hear how much they enjoyed the flowers, and I just hope they realize how much I appreciate them.

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