Wednesday, May 21, 2008

3rd Treatment

Well, pushing the fluids continues to help. I actually put in a productive 4 1/2 hours at work this morning, but I started to watch the clock towards the end (and I NEVER watch the clock!). We were home by 4:10 today and I had the start of what would become a pesky headache. Once again, the homemade chicken noodle soup was so comforting! It was almost two hours until the body aches started in full force and I could feel the heat of the fever. The chills took a few more hours but they have been minimal. So, tired, achy, and feverish - this is still doable. My eyes burned a lot tonight but I persevered to watch the finals of American Idol. I know, I'm a real trooper ;-). Even my cat left me at that point! I still have the IV in my right hand from today's treatment hoping that it can be reused tomorrow. Say a little prayer. It's way, way past my new bedtime so I'm heading to that soft pillow and pile of blankets.

3 down, 16 to go


Suzanne Shaffer said...

We are pulling for you, Carol, and sending all our good thoughts to surround you... Know you are being supported through the spiritual highway!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're doing as well as can be expected! Hang in there, knowing your friends are thinking of you.
